
Every round you can take major actions, such as attack, climbing and so on. Also you can take minor actions, such as movement, speech or lookout.

Standard setup of actions for a character is:
1 major action per round;
4 minor actions per round;

Some backgrounds, classes and roles provide additional "fixed" actions. For example, if character is able to move more swiftly - they will get an additional minor action fixed as "Move", thus they will not able to spend it to any other type of minor action.

Most of the actions can be modified by doing them in certain way. This will spend one more minor action while doing that.


List of major action examples:

Action Commentary
Martial attack A sharp (or blunt) danger in your hand's reach
Distant attack Focused on your surroundings, feel the wind
Cast a spell Concentrate on powers you toy with
Open a lock Hear a pin, feel it move, watch your fingers
Climb Shift your body and try to not look down too much
Actively hide Pause, catch your breath, soften your steps, whisk
First aid Access what the damage is, help to feel better
Major help Sometimes your friends need a helping hand

List of minor action examples:

Action Description
Move Rush or casual stroll - your body knows how it works
Jump You just push the ground from yourself
Speak clearly A word or two is free, but you need to be understood
Use an item Interface with stuff that is meant to be interfaced
Take cover Don't just stand there, take a better position
Drop/get item You just grab it or let go of it, no sweat
Minor help Sometimes your friends need a helping hand

List of modifying action examples:

...while... Description
...being stealthy You need to be a lot less noticable while doing it
...concentrating Multitasking is a difficult skill, you need to be aware
...applying force More power equals higher damage
...bracing Land your impact, hold the ground, watch your step