A ritual of becoming the new High King of Kalklea.
In case of death of the current High King the new ruler should be selected from their legal heirs starting with the oldest. If it's impossible at the moment - then the First General should be placed on the throne. And if there is no legal heir and the First General is incapable of ruling - then the special council should be created to resolve the issue.
It is a set of items that the High King owns as a symbol of commitment.
Nine-pointed crown made of polished red marble. Every point represents one of the nine Thrones of Kalklea united on one band, one no more major than any other. Legend says, that if Kalklea will cease to be - points will break off the crown, destroying it.
Long sword made of polished white marble. It represents the ability to fence off the enemies of Kalklea. Legends say, that if High King's sword will turn against the people of his land - it's blade will shatter, leaving behind only the worthless handle.
Round shield made of polished black marble. It represents the ability to cover and care for people of Kalklea. Legends say, that if High King will fail to help his people - shield will become so heavy, that it will be impossible to lift off the ground, where it will crush itself under it's own weight.
Usual flow - no matter if it's heir, First General or the third party - goes like this: