Nine-Fingered One

A minor power that have no manifestation, but a somewhat big supportive movement. It is more of a symbol of defiance, a rebellious idea behind the "there is no actual gods, but a trick of a clergy" voice of this world, and that people should be self-governed, rejecting the idea of any religion as a source of inner faith.

Anti-fatalistic parody church, grown up to a wide web of hidden circles and orders.
Higher clergy of this "church" have a distinct mark of surgically removing one of their fingers (usually a left pinkie) to imitate the looks of Nine-Fingered One, waving it off for unknowing masses as an accident or a scar of the troubled past. Lower clergy usually wear a ring or some self-inflicted mark on a selected finger.
Somewhat universal sign for initiates is a clenched fist with a selected finger sticking out, or if it is not possible due to finger being removed - two open palms, rubbed together and facing each other at a right angle, clearly showing all fingers a person have. Latter one can also be shown as a hidden sign on a contact.

It is widely speculated that higher clergy has infiltrated a lot of forces of power, be it a government of many kind, a welfare institutions, or military structures.

A little known about the Nine-Fingered One, who was an actual person. It is speculated that they were a figure of power in the past, who "rejected being governed by a god-slave of a king", and ritualistically cut their own finger, showing to those who followed them that there is no fate or destiny - "if there were a god, to whom I'll be sacred, would they wanted me to disobey them in such a defiling way?"

Some followers of this movement believe that the idea or a spirit of the Nine-Fingered One sometimes possess the most devoted, granting the powers beyond even the wildest believes, that is why they usually considered to be a Demiurge, and not just a historical figure.

This church deeply despise any major religious movement who's believes are based on "idea, icon, and a ritual" like Kella, but they are neutrally tolerate those who are connected to a practical views in live "without any fairy-tales", like people of All-engulfing Light.