Domain: resilience, balance
This church have it's own spells.
A concept of a higher meta-god power, divided into three pieces. This concept finds reflection in a lot of different ideas and views.
Main idea of this concept is that everything is divided into three different interlocked parts: "Giver", "Transformer" and "Taker". Those three roles are usually called entirely something else, but the idea stays the same.
In the original ancient system of believes it was said, that Beast pushes you to temptations of the flesh, being a creature of chaos and destruction. Beast is often considered to be the "Taker" - someone who never creates, but takes from others. Serpent, on the other hand, is the one who tells you to think, analyze and to "Give" to others. You yourself as a person is the one who "Transforms", getting one thing and giving the other.
It is important to understand, that the role of a "Giver" is not a positive, and "Taker" is not a negative. An ill person who spread the disease is a "Giver", and the merciful coup-de-grace is the act of "Taking".
Beast is often depicted as a person with "boiling blood and flaming hair", who feasts, fights and screams.
Serpent is the opposite of the Beast - calm, cold, collected and uninvolved.
Those dabbling in the way of balance might utilize this tools:
Those who decided to go till the very end by the path of Beast and Serpent often find themselves puzzled by their own existence. Not able to pick a side in any conflict, they either go mad, picking both at the same time, or live the lonely secluded life, refusing to pick.
Author's note: build swapper. There are two wolves inside of you, how are you still alive?!