Hathraan is known as a Deity with figure usually feminine in nature, appearing in the time of needs, advising to kings and mere mortals. According to her own words: "her aspect was born from the strife of all-being and ever-learning", shaped and formed by minds of those who were looking for helping hand. Her name does roughly translate to "A kin touch" from the old language.
Known to appear as a figure that moves through air, slightly glowing but never illuminating or warming with her light.
Known to appear in physical form twice in the learned history, an event known as "The Great March", when she traveled throughout the whole known world, amassing people for the greater cause.
Her role in Kella is to value and cherish all the good that you hold and do. After your death she will weight your bads, and if you've managed to balance them poorly by being "too good" - you will serve under her for the time being.