Kella spells

Additionally to usual Whisperer spells, devotees of this god can also cast selected spells:

  • "Learn the past" - uncover things in Kella's knowledge
  • "Shape the present" - let Kella guide your hand
  • "Unveil the future" - ask Kella to help you to predict what will happen
  • "Catch the details" - let Kella help you to deeply understand the current moment
  • "Cast the gaze" - receive distant visions
  • "Change the mind" - force your idea onto someone for short period of time
  • "Share the thought" - have an unspoken conversation with those able to
  • "Trade the details" - get advantage in your judgement at the cost of your autonomy
  • "Take the drive" - be one with Kella, let them do your bidding while you slumber