
Domain: endeavor, balance, contemplation

This church have it's own spells.

A dual god that was created from one of the oldest known gods - Hathraan the Great Mother - and a later addition, trickster Pelemis.
They possess multiple God-vaults all over the known world, most famous ones being the Werdhis, Taimehn, and an undisclosed location on Tahraan.

Main church of this god is known as "Spirit-talkers", a reformed All-engulfing Light mainstreamed movement. Clergy and associates of this church are universally welcomed everywhere in the world.

Those who lived the balanced life by dipping into the dark urges and praising the good deeds - after death will be met by Hathraan and Pelemis as equals and welcomed into the serene afterlife.

Whisperers of this religion is known for their high abilities in analysis and prediction, and put their abilities to use like so:

  • Every day you can ask up to three questions about the past, present and future (one question in each category), each being nine natural words or less, and Kella will answer you in nine natural words or less.
  • By analyzing your last day of adventure, you synchronize with your god, that gives you ability to be in the lucidity of present, feeling intense déjà vu on a pivotal moments throughout the day. By letting the feeling sink, you can glare just a moment from hereafter, effectively forcing your will on the act and thus shaping your own future.
  • You can feel the presence of good and evil in those you contact with.
  • Lending Kella your mind more and more you gain the ability to predict even the current events that you didn't even know about and hawe no power to be present. May it be visions of those who Kella themself look for?

By the time someone become a higher priest of Kella - they are not entirely sure, what did in fact happened, and what not. Neglecting their own real life, they dive deeper and deeper into what's and what not's. There have been historical reports of those who've starved to death, or simply mistook a window for a door while being immersed into the predictions of what comes.

Author's note: hey Alexa, play "Minority Report (2002)"