
Mages that get their ability to cast from the raw Power of the world. They have no ability to collect and store it, but they have ways to use it from any source.


Often associated with the figure of a Transformer.
They have their separate list of spells.


  • Your ability to cast is limited only by your imagination and skill.
  • You can get your power from any source imaginable, at any moment. No need to be in touch with any gods, no need to accumulate your powers, you just go.
  • You can bend and shape reality itself.
  • You are good at diverse set of things.


  • No powers in the surroundings? You are useless.
  • You have no idea how to store-delay-cast difficult spells.
  • You actually need to wave your hands while touching something full of power, looking like a complete idiot.
  • A lot of power-full things are one use only.
  • You are bad at diverse set of things.