Third Kalklea Interregnum

A political vacuum in Kalklea, that was created by all parties being unable or unwilling to take the position of High King.

At the year 5997 city of Odollet was destroyed in the grandiose kari attack. Last High King of Kalklea - Orlo Atti - died defending his city, without leaving a legal heir to the throne - his only son Kann Atti is not of his own blood, and was adopted and raised at the court.

His First General - Beorlan of Cliff - suffered a great injury in that attack, and survived being incapable of ruling. But he accepted the crown in the midst of battle, effectively becoming a new High King, even if it was for just a moment.

Temporary council of Craftsman Crown was created for the sake of securing the region and restoring Odollet, and does not count as a valid reign-council of the Throne.

Overall situation is as follows:

  1. Beorlan of Cliff, being bed-ridden and unresponsive, can't complete King's Oath, even if he currently holds the Crown virtue. His heir, Connand of Cliff, is in prime position to seize the throne of High King, but is hesitant to do so.
  2. Kann Atti, being not a heir but still the only son of Orlo Atti, have no legal obligation to automatically become a new High King, but have the way of becoming one on the basis of being a Whitestone Throne king and being loved by the people of other Crowns. Loss of his father and wife in the same day destroyed him, and he is unwilling to pretend for the High Throne. He also holds the Sword virtue.
  3. Temporary council of Odollet, being a tool of local rule and not created with idea of picking a candidate for High Throne in mind, have no obligation nor power to take the position of reign. It's vision of future is divided and separated, and the only thing that is on the table - is delaying the complete destruction of what came of city itself. It is not known, what the current location of the Shield virtue is, but widely believed that the council may have some information about it.
  4. There is no more major and/or powerful enough parties to pretend for the High Throne.