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Is evil just something you are? Or something you do? - Morrissey, "Sister I'm a Poet" This chapter points out the minor changes and considerations necessary in creating a Sabbat character for a Vampire: The Masquerade chronicle. Before you begin to play a Sabbat vampire, you should take a few things into account. Remember that you're trying to create an interesting and unique character who reflects the darkness and the struggle of the Sabbat to not only survive but prove itself superior, rather than the one with the "best" Traits. Additionally, the Sabbat is not an inherently evil sect. It strongly believes in what it does - it has morals, even if those morals appear warped and perverse to others. Another unique aspect of the Sabbat is that its members function in packs. Consider how well your character can interact with a group, for if your character disrupts the story because he doesn't fit in, no one will enjoy the game. The Storyteller may ask you to create a new character, or your character might meet a quick Final Death. Even if you wish to play a character who secretly works against her pack's greater interests, that character must he able to hide among the pack, lest she be found out immediately. Finally, remember that the Sabbat is not all blood and gore. It is a vicious sect, heedless of mortals and just as likely to slit an old woman's throat as it is to ignore her, hut an unliving, thinking infrastructure lies beneath that depravity and disregard, if the Sabbat was composed of nothing more than murderous maniacs, it would have fallen before the torches of the Society of Leopold or the Camarilla long ago. The Sabbat is not only wicked, hut fervent, canny and intelligent as well - not every character should he a mindless brute. In fact, mindless brutes should be in the minority, unless the Storyteller has expressly stated that yours will be a combat-heavy game (and even then, violence can be done with panache). Players are encouraged to explore the intellectual evil of the Sabbat as well as the physical violence. Step One: Character ConceptIn creating a Sabbat character it is vital to remember the goals of the Sabbat and your particular pack. Ideology is the most important difference between the Sabbat and other Cainites, so how does this mindset manifest itself to assist your character in his survival ? When creating your character, also remember that there is a high mortality rate among newly sired Sabbat. What is it that allowed your character to survive and become True Sabbat? ConceptThis step is simple. Ask yourself who your character was before he became a vampire, and who he has become since. For more information on character concepts, see Vampire: The Masquerade, page 105. Clan, Antitribu and BloodlineA Sabbat character has many more options when it comes to lineage due to the antitribu and several exclusively Sabbat bloodlines. Antitribu are often radically different from their Camarilla or independent counterparts, if only in ideology. Acquaint yourself with the clans as presented in Chapter Two, then select the one that best fits your vision for the character-or choose one that runs counter to it. If none of the clans or bloodlines excites you, you can also choose the "Panders." Clanless and outcast, the Panders have any number of vampires without pedigree among their ranks. The PackAs a member of the Sabbat, your character almost certainly belongs to a pack consisting of vampires of various clans (though in reality, you often find that you're stuck with whoever Embraced you and his pack). More than likely, all characters in the chronicle belong to the same pack, so players should discuss and have input as to its nature. The two kinds of packs that make up the Sabbat are the nomadic and founded ones. Pilgrims or nomadic Sabbat enjoy their freedom by wandering the country and having ties to no particular place. Throughout their journeys, they frequent many colorful locales and encounter many interesting people. While many Sabbat view this unlifestyle as the ultimate freedom closest to the sect's anarch roots, it takes true inner discipline to survive in this environment. While many Camarilla Kindred view nomadic Sabbat as dangerous and deranged vampires - who would voluntarily choose an unlife of running from Lupines and sleeping in the earth or abandoned buildings? - many pilgrims feel that the greatest victory of all is to acknowledge no master except themselves. Of course, nomadic Sabbat serve the sect, but they do so without being bound to one location. Coven members or founded Sabbat have established a permanent home in a particular city. A haven in the city lends itself to intriguing politics and colorful recurring characters. Dangers within a city are also fairly predictable based on the pack's prior history within the city. The open road is fraught with unpredictable adventures and hazards. Nature and DemeanorThe Sabbat have specific Archetypes that reflect and accent their evolutionary nature, their strong survival instinct and their self-avowed vampiric superiority. While a character's Nature is the "truest" component of his personality, it is imperative to remember that the Sabbat constantly adapt so that they may survive. This evolution tends to manifest itself in a character's Demeanor; over the course of your character's unlife, you should note changes in his Demeanor ranging from subtle to extreme, depending upon chronicle experiences. To begin with, however, select a Demeanor Archetype that describes how your character acts now. Some new Nature and Demeanor Archetypes particularly suited to the Sabbat appear here. Paths of EnlightenmentSome vampires outside the sect believe the Sabbat has no morals. Outsiders usually see only fire, death and terror in the wake of many Sabbat vampires' passage. The truth of the matter, however, is that Sabbat vampires adhere to very rigid codes of behavior based on their ideology, philosophy and theology. These codes are known as the Paths of Enlightenment. There are seven known Sabbat paths, and some vampires not affiliated with the sect are believed to uphold similar moral outlooks. While a character's morality and actions may not make sense to outsiders (particularly those who cannot comprehend inhuman values and acts as sacred), his path strongly influences every aspect of his existence. Keep your character's clan, pack and Nature in mind when choosing the path best suited for him. (Note: Paths are not recommended for beginning players. For more about Paths of Enlightenment and advice on using them in a chronicle, see the Appendix of Vampire: The Masquerade.) Despite the dehumanizing aspects of the Sabbat Embrace, however, most vampires of the sect continue to cling to the vestiges of Humanity, though their Humanity Traits tend to erode a little more quickly than other vampires'. Particularly in the cases of young Sabbat, many vampires simply haven't had the time or environment to cast off all that was important to them before their Embrace. Neonate characters typically spend less than 25 years as vampires, which is hardly enough time to adopt a radically different frame of mind. Nevertheless, should a player wish to portray a character who subscribes to a Path of Enlightenment, she may feel free to do so (with the Storyteller's final approval, of course). Usually, a mentor in a character's pack aids her in finding her path before she becomes an inhuman monster. Only the most precocious of neonates will be on a path when the chronicle commences; typically, this individual may have had extended contact with the Sabbat - as a revenant, toady, favored ghoul, etc. - before she was Embraced. Step Two: Choosing AttributesPoint allocations for the Attributes of Sabbat characters are identical to those of other vampire characters. A player receives seven points to distribute among his character's primary Attributes, five points for his secondary Attributes and three points for his tertiary Attributes. Additionally, like all vampires, Sabbat characters receive one free "starting" dot in all Attributes. Step Three: Choosing AbilitiesFor the most part, Sabbat Cainites can use any Ability presented in Vampire: The Masquerade, as well as the Secondary Abilities presented in the Vampire Storytellers Companion, should the Storyteller choose to allow them. Additionally, the Sabbat practices some Abilities developed especially for its terror tactics and violent existence. These Abilities are discussed in depth later. ![]() Step Four: AdvantagesSabbat Advantages differ a bit from other vampires'. As the sect sees itself in a constant state of war, it places significant emphasis on learning the inherent powers of vampires. Also, as members of the sect are expected to put as much of their former lives behind them as possible, Sabbat Cainites have far less influence in the mortal world than independent or Camarilla "Kindred." DisciplinesSabbat vampires start the game with four dots in Disciplines to reflect not only their strong will for survival but also the rigorous trials they undergo after the Embrace. These four points must come from the vampire's clan Disciplines (see Chapter Two). Pander vampires, on the other hand, may choose four dots from any Disciplines. Of course, any player may spend freebie points during character creation to acquire out-of-clan Disciplines for her character (pending Storyteller approval). BackgroundsWhen a Sabbat vampire Embraces a new childe, it is normal for all of the childe's mortal ties to be severed. In addition to obliterating the character's human existence, the Sabbat have a cultic initiation known as the Creation Rites designed to bond the newly sired Lick to his pack. Because of the dehumanizing aspects of Sabbat Embrace, the isolation and rigors of Sabbat training and the extensive abuse a character endures from the pack in order to be accepted, the character begins the chronicle without any Background points, having spent all his post-Embrace time with the pack. Designed to ensure loyalty, the methods of the Sabbat leave the neonate feeling completely dependent upon his sire or his packmates for a sense of belonging. Players may use freebie points to purchase Background points at the Storyteller's discretion, but even if you have the points to purchase the Background, it must make sense why the character would have it. It is improbable, for instance, that a nomadic Malkavian antitribu biker has any appreciable Influence beyond a dot or two. VirtuesHere's where it gets a bit sticky. Most young Sabbat vampires, as mentioned before, still have some degree of Humanity left. If your character is one of these vampires, you receive five dots to allocate among your Virtues. (Remember that you have one free dot in each Virtue, as normal.) Nasty bastards who follow a Path of Enlightenment, however, follow different rules. Certain Paths of Enlightenment subscribe to Virtues other than Conscience and Self-Control - check the details of the path in question (in Chapter Five) to see which virtues apply to your character's path. Characters on Paths of Enlightenment receive the Sabbat-standard five points of Virtues (vampires outside the Sabbat get seven, but such is the price of freedom), and freebie points may be spent to increase these Virtues later. Finally a few other guidelines apply: Alternate Virtues begin at zero: Every human (and thus every recently Embraced Kindred) has some degree of his "natural" Virtues left, but unnatural vampiric Virtues must be cultivated outside the cultural human norm. Although a character with Conscience, Self-Control and Courage receives one free dot in each Virtue, a character with Conscience, Instinct and Courage begins with only two free dots (in Conscience and Courage). A character with Conviction, Instinct and Courage begins with only one free dot (in Courage). Sabbat characters must buy their inhuman Virtues to at least 1, if not higher. This restriction may seem unfair, but the effort required to adopt a morality so antithetical to humanity is not a light one. A vampire following a Path of Enlightenment must begin the game with a Willpower Trait of 5, minimum: Spending points on Courage or raising Willpower with freebie points will provide this minimum. Without sufficient will to stave it off, a character would fall to her Beast within a few nights of adopting such a heinous code of ethics. Beginning characters may not start the game with path scores above 5: If a character's Virtues would indicate a path score of higher than 5, disregard the extra. Freebie points may not be spent to increase a beginning character's path rating above 5, either. Newly created vampires have not had sufficient time to gain a greater understanding of their wicked nature. It takes decades - perhaps even centuries - to create a true monster. In all other ways, unless otherwise specified, inhuman paths and Virtues function like their human counterparts. So, if a roll calls for the player to use Charisma + Conscience, and the character has Conviction, roll Charisma + Conviction. Step Five: Last TouchesAt this point, the character is almost done. You receive 15 freebie points to round out any of the Traits on your character sheet. Before you spend these points, however, you must record the base scores for your character's Willpower, path rating, and blood pool. WillpowerYour character's Willpower is equal to his Courage rating. When playing a Sabbat character, you should probably consider raising it even higher by using freebie points (especially if you are playing a path-follower, whose Willpower must start at 5 or greater). Willpower is vital to the Sabbat, and the sect brooks no cowards in its ranks. Humanity/Path of EnlightenmentA character's starting Humanity or path score depends on his Virtues. Add the two Virtues other than Courage (Conscience or Conviction and Self-Control or Instinct) to determine this Trait. Remember that new characters on Paths of Enlightenment may not have path scores greater than 5 at the beginning of the game. Blood PoolSimply roll a die to determine the character's starting blood pool. Vinculi (Blood Ties)Members of Sabbat packs have bonds of loyalty to one another formed by practicing the blood-drinking ritual known as the Vaulderie. Each Vinculum has a rating that determines how strong or weak it is (see page 155 for specific details on Vinculum scores). At this point of character creation, write down the names of every other character in your character's pack. For every other character in the pack, roll a die, add one to the results, then record those results next to that character's name. (Note: Vinculum scores may not exceed 10.) Freebie PointsThe player may now spend 15 freebie points to purchase additional dots for a character's Traits. Each dot has a freebie-point cost based on the Trait's type - consult the chart on p. 104 of Vampire: The Masquerade for these costs. Remember that Disciplines purchased with freebie points need not come from the character's clan Disciplines (though buying certain Disciplines may require some explanation or the Storyteller's approval). Spark of LifeThe following details will help you make your character a complete and unique vampire. You do not necessarily need to write these things down, but you should certainly think about them - not only now but throughout the entire existence of your character. PresentationThe nature of the Sabbat is most readily visible in its appearance. With minimal formal concern for a "Masquerade," Sabbat individuality comes out in the way characters physically express themselves. How does your character's clothing, hairstyle and choice of accessories reflect her superior self-image? How do your character's Traits come across to show that he is a survivor? What does your character's Appearance of 3 mean? Does his Strength of 4 make him a hulking brute or is he surprisingly strong for his small frame? Bring the character to vivid unlife with a bit of consideration for the character rather than just the Traits. SpecialtiesGiven the guerrilla training Sabbat members often undertake and the self-discipline necessary just to be a Sabbat member, Sabbat characters sometimes have specialties or areas of refined expertise. A character may take a specialty in an Attribute or Ability when one of those given Traits has a rating of four or higher. Although most players select specialties for their Traits during play, you can pick them immediately, provided that it makes sense. Specialties allow you to reroll every 10 scored in your area of specialization, adding successes on the reroll to the successes you have already accumulated. ![]() Example: Brians character, Vaughan, has a Computer specialty in "the Internet." During play, Brian has Vaughan searching/or the location of a vital bit of information on the World Wide Web. The Storyteller has Brian roll Vaughan's Intelligence + Computer (a pool of six dice) against a difficulty of 7 and decides that he needs four successes to find what he is looking for. Brian rolls a 10, 8,7, 6, 3 and 2 - three successes. However, Vaughan's specialty entitles Brian to reroll the die that came up a 10, counting it as a success and providing him an opportunity for an additional one. Brian rolls a 9, which is indeed an additional success, and the last one he needed, in fact. Vaughan's extra study and work on the Internet has paid off. EquipmentDue to the severity of the Sabbat Creation Rites, it is highly unlikely that a character would have any remaining possessions or pieces of equipment from his human existence at the start of a chronicle. If you feel your character needs equipment now, you should work out these details with the Storyteller before the game begins. The search for appropriate gear takes time, and it is not automatically successful. Almost any piece of mundane equipment that fits your character's concept can be obtained, provided either your character has sufficient dots in the Resources Background, or it just makes sense. A street thug probably knows where to get a hold of a gun, while a derelict has little business with a bandoleer of military-surplus grenades. QuirksBy giving your character unique details, personal anecdotes and personality quirks, you can add a great deal of depth and interest to your roleplaying experience. For the Sabbat, many quirks are residual effects from the trauma they experienced during the Embrace and Creation Rites. For other Sabbat members, peculiarity in mannerisms may arise out of the character's struggle to feel superior while still having a low self-esteem. Contemplate the strange and interesting aspects that define your character. The possibilities here are infinite - consider every little thing your character may do and add color by making it unique. Does your character bother to lick her victims' wounds after she feeds? Does she wear a special kind of earrings? Does she drive a signature car or speak in certain slang ? How does she carry herself? Does the sight of children upset her? Anything that adds depth to the character helps set her apart from the myriad other members of the sect, and other vampires. MotivationsWhat makes your character a superior being, above the masses of humankind and the cowering Camarilla? How does she view her existence and purpose within the Sabbat and her pack? Does she believe Gehenna is a real and impending threat? Where does she see herself and her pack in five years? A decade? A century? Considering these aspects of your character will give you a better understanding of how she might react in any given situation in the game. ![]() Mortal IdentityA final point for consideration is your character's mortal identity. Most Sabbat view humans as little more than fast food. Because of their views on these creatures, they have little use for a formal Masquerade or mortal society. Yet, a few vampires may still have connections. Whether you're a priest with the Mother Church or a drug lord with human runners, you need to evaluate your identity and your attitudes in the human world. In spite of its disdain for humankind, the Sabbat nonetheless finds itself having to deal with "pathetic mortals" more often than they might like. Does who your character once was have any effect on these interactions? PreludesFor the most part, Sabbat vampires become Damned like any other vampires: Another vampire selects a prospective childe, drains him of blood and replaces that blood with a bit of her own. Details on how the character became a vampire typically resolve themselves in the prelude before play begins. More information on preludes appears in Vampire: The Masquerade, pages 108-9. The Sabbat, however, offers an interesting variant on the prelude: the mass Embrace. In the nights of the sect's ongoing holy war, it is entirely possible that the players' characters' pack has been Embraced as fodder during a siege, or otherwise "on the fly" as the sect has a need for bodies to help win the war. If the Storyteller wishes, she may run a prelude for all the characters at once (with perhaps a bit of individual detail, to explain how she managed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time with the rest of the characters), turning them loose on the Jyhad knowing as little ("It's your first night, and your sires turn baleful glances upon you before charging into the fray.") or as much ("You have proven yourself as valuable spies and soldiers in the siege of Miami; you are now True Sabbat.") as she prefers. New TraitsDuring the course of its evolution from disparate packs of indolent anarchs to the terrible and righteous holy sect of the modern nights, the Sabbat has developed several new outlooks, capabilities and resources with which to wage its ceaseless war. The following new Traits are most suited to Sabbat characters and chronicles, though Storytellers may feel free to adapt or include them in other chronicles, should they so wish. Nature and Demeanor ArchetypesThese new Archetypes reflect the extremism and violence of the Sabbat. To be sure, many of the vampires of the sect are not slavering, psychotic mass murderers - but then, many are. Storytellers are reminded to be judicious in rewarding Willpower for acting in concert with one's Nature. Even killers grow jaded and need to challenge themselves with new atrocity, so mindlessly gutting one's umpteenth victim should net the killer little return. Capitalist Why give it away for free when you can sell it? You are the ultimate mercenary, realizing that there is always a market to be developed-anything can be a commodity. You have a keen understanding of how to manipulate both kine and Cainites into thinking that they need specific goods or services. Appearance and influence are everything when it comes to the big sale, though you'll use anything to your advantage. Salesmen, soldiers of fortune and bootlickers all adhere to the Capitalist Archetype. - Regain a point of Willpower whenever you make a successful "sale" or barter of any commodity. Commodities need not be physical items; they may be bits of information, favors or other such intangibles. Chameleon Independent and self-reliant, you manage to blend into any situation. You carefully study the behavior and mannerisms of everyone you come in contact with so you can pass yourself off as someone else later. You spend so much time altering your mannerisms and appearance that your own sire may not even recognize you. Spies, con artists, drag queens and impostors best represent the Chameleon. - Regain a point of Willpower whenever you fool someone into thinking you're someone else for your own (or your pack's) benefit. Creep Show You strive to shock and disgust those around you with gratuitous acts and ostentatiously "evil" mannerisms. You realize, of course, that it's all show and merely a way to intimidate and control others. Outsiders, on the other hand, think you are the Devil incarnate, and you revel in this image. Shock-rockers, rebellious teenagers and the attention-starved exemplify the Creep Show Archetype. - Regain a point of Willpower whenever someone recoils from you in horror or otherwise reacts in fear. Enigma Your actions are bizarre, puzzling and inexplicable to everyone except yourself. Your strangeness may be residual effects from the Creation Rites, or the most effective way for you to carry out the work of the Sabbat - to see the movements of the Antediluvians and counter them. To the rest of the world, however, your erratic actions suggest that you're eccentric if not completely crazy. Conspiracy theorists, deep-cover agents and Jyhad fanatics all live up to the Enigma Archetype. - Regain a point of Willpower whenever someone is completely perplexed or baffled by one of your actions that later turns out to be a fruitful endeavor. Eye of the Storm Despite your calm subtle appearance, chaos and havoc seems to follow you. From burning cities to emotional upheaval, death and destruction circle you like albatrosses. For you, unlife is a never-ending trial with uncertainty around every corner. Gang leaders, political figures and other influential individuals exemplify the Eye of the Storm Archetype. - Regain a point of Willpower whenever a ruckus, riot or less violent phenomenon occurs around you. Guru Your enlightenment draws others to you. You may be a mentor of a particular Path of Enlightenment, a priest with the Church or merely an idealist in your pack. Whatever the case, your presence motivates and moves others to engage in spiritual or ideological pursuits. Your peers view you as calm, centered and "with it," even when you are preaching about violence as a means to an end. Cult leaders, Zen masters and pack priests are examples of Gurus. -Regain a point of Willpower whenever someone seeks out your help in spiritual matters and your guidance moves that individual to an enlightened action that he normally would not have taken. Also, regain a point of Willpower whenever you achieve an epiphany that relates to your personal philosophy. Sadist Your exist to inflict pain and suffering upon others. Killing is too easy - torture is the best way to truly harm a person, and you seek the slowest, most painful means to push others to the ultimate limits. Pain - others' pain - gives you immense pleasure. Drill sergeants, jilted ex-lovers and some of the terminally deranged may all display Sadist Archetypes at one time or another; sadism is rare enough to appear only in aberrant cases, rather than reliably in one type of person or another. -Regain a point of Willpower whenever you inflict pain upon someone for no reason other than your own pleasure. Sociopath All inferior beings both living and undead should be exterminated in order to bring about a harmonious existence. You likely feel no remorse when you kill (depending upon your Humanity or path). On the contrary, you are doing a glorious deed for society. Some Sabbat are critical of your violent nature, but you sometimes manage to sway them with arguments like, "Darwin would agree that I'm only helping nature along!" and, "Only the Sabbat shall survive!" - Regain Willpower whenever you are the greatest contributor to a body count after everything has settled down. This count includes times when you are the only killer, and it needs not result from a massive combat - like killing every member of a movie audience or gunning down defenseless patrons in a bank robbery. New AbilitiesIn addition to the Abilities listed in Vampire: The Masquerade, you may find the following Secondary Abilities of interest. They are designed to reflect the Sabbat member, her unlifestyle and her nightly activities. If your Storyteller does not permit Secondary Abilities, simply ignore them. (The Secondary Abilities, not the Storyteller.) TalentsFortune-Telling "You are in flight - a tall, gaunt man haunts you even in your dreams." Whether you scry with a crystal ball, consult they arrow sticks like your Chinese ancestors, read Tarot cards or tea leaves, divine with a pendulum or cast runes like your Celtic forebears, you have learned the ability to forecast the future. You may or may not have the gift to really tell fortunes, but you can make people believe you do. (Note: It is up to the Storyteller whether or not Fortune-Telling truly works in her chronicle. She should share this information with players whose characters have this Talent - charlatans know when they're faking it - though they may certainly choose to lead others along, if they so wish.)
Possessed by: Gypsies, Psychics, Quacks, New Agers Specialties: Tarot Cards, Tea Leaves, Runes, Yarrow Sticks, Mirrors, Crystal Balls, Palms Panhandling Dezra shook his cup and forced a cough into the still night air, mumbling to passersby and pulling his blanket more tightly around his shoulders. You are a skilled beggar. You are able to get people to give you money just by asking for it. You know whom to ask, how to approach them, what to say and how to avoid the police. This Talent is useful for picking up quick cash or creating a cover.
SkillsVamp Lucita sidled up to the doorman of the Digital Lounge, all hips and lips. A few fleeting, vacuous promises and a carefully placed hand on his chest and groin made him bend to her will. He knew damn well she wasn't supposed to be here tonight - Andrei specifically stated that she was to be denied entrance - but the doorman didn't care anymore as her mouth met his and his sex stirred beneath her touch. That was precisely how Lucita wanted it. You can use your seductive means to get any information from anyone. Whether you're acting out the role of the empathetic girlfriend, the barroom floozy, the loving wife or the adventurous mistress, you know how to please. You can be subtle or overt, coy or wanton, depending on what promises the best results, and you can interpret your subject's turn-ons to better accomplish your seduction. If the vampire practicing this Skill actually goes through with the acts he suggests, he may need to spend blood points to function properly; see Vampire: The Masquerade, pages 138-9 for details. (Note: This Skill relates only to using sex to achieve an end. Being charming, alluring or desirable is an application of Empathy, Expression, Performance or Subterfuge, likely coupled with Appearance or Charisma. Only the dullest of victims may fail to realize the carnal pleasures proposed by a user of this Skill, and many vampires consider its use distasteful or vulgar, as they no longer concern themselves with such base mortal acts, especially among the Sabbat.)
Possessed by: Hookers, Spies, Lasombra, Bored Housewives Specialties: Lingerie Modeling, Bondage, Role-playing, S&M, D&S Fire Dancing ![]() Flames roared and cinders fluttered underneath the Flatiron Building - tonight, the Sabbat would strike at the feeble Camarilla Licks of Atlanta. In preparation, the archbishop had called a gathering beneath this, their temporary headquarters in order to incite her soldiers. After a rousing speech, she had built the bonfire, leading the Sabbat in chants and catcalls. Now was the time - time to cast herself into the fire and show her charges the meaning of fearlessness. You can enter a trance-like state that allows you to leap through flames. This Skill is vital in the Fire Dance and other ritae. Demonstrating this Skill often equates to being a powerful and dominant member of the pack. This Skill does not grant any immunity from the fire, but it does allow the vampire to avoid being burned or succumbing to a frenzy. This Skill cannot be part of a split dice pool: The user must concentrate on Fire Dancing and nothing else. When the vampire tries to Fire Dance, damage should be rolled normally, but for every success with this Skill, reduce the amount of damage done by one health level. Few vampires outside the Sabbat have this Skill. (Note: Unless the fire is actually a bonfire meant for the ritual dance, you do not suffer Rotschreck any less frequently than any other vampire.)
Possessed by: Sabbat, Mystics, Primitive Tribesmen, Performers Specialties: Leaping, Acrobatics, Distance, Looking Tough KnowledgesBlack Hand Lore "So you are a member of the mighty Hand, correct, Ismail?" You have learned information about the Black Hand - which may or may not be true since this information is known to few outside the organization. You have heard rumors and legends about the history, strategies, intrigue and rituals of the Hand. Additionally, you may be able to recognize numerous agents of the Hand within your own city and the surrounding area.
Possessed by: Black Hand Members, The Order of St. Blaise, Sabbat Leaders, Assamite Antitribu, Assamites, Nosferatu Antitribu Specialties: History, Famous Leaders, Tactics, Strategies, Secrets, Rituals, Local Members Underworld Lore Vincent shrugged as the man in the pinstriped suit asked him who he'd come to see. You know the politics and figures of organized crime within your city. You understand how the system works, whom to pay off, whose arm to twist and who gets the cement shoes. Whether it's street drugs or vampiric blood for a secret cult of ghouls, you know the source and who's playing the game. This Knowledge encompasses members of all criminal organizations, ethnic and otherwise, including the Mafia, Yakuza, and street gangs.
Possessed by: Mafia Dons, Yakuza, Government Leaders, Police, Connected Thugs Specialties: Loan-Sharking, Drug-Running, Smuggling, Slavery, Politics, Ethnic Organizations Sabbat BackgroundsFor the most part, the Sabbat looks with disfavor upon Backgrounds, considering them co-dependent ties to the mortal world. Nonetheless, Backgrounds often come in handy, and rare is the Sabbat who would rather die than avail himself of their resources. This section looks at Sabbat views concerning the core Vampire Backgrounds as well as introducing a few new ones specific to the sect. Existing Backgrounds![]() Allies The Sabbat views allies as an occasional dirty necessity. Trusting no one outside the sect, much less wanting to be indebted to anyone, a member of the Sabbat chooses allies with great reservation. Because allies are mortal, the Sabbat considers them expendable, and practically no Sabbat would entrust his unlife to something as fragile and inferior as a human being. Few Sabbat keep allies for any length of time, preferring to either pay off or bully prospective help into cooperation. Contacts Sabbat may still have mortal contacts whom they can manipulate, bribe and hit up for information. These people hail from all walks of life, though if a player wishes to cultivate contacts, those contacts must have some reason to be involved with a Sabbat character (considering the sect's overall dislike of mortals). As a whole, the sect regards mortal contacts with little more respect than mortal allies, but it recognizes the occasional necessity of them. After all, when Sabbat vampires need guns, sometimes mortal gun-runners have the best wares. In truth, most Sabbat vampires can and do benefit from contacts at many points during their unlives, though they tend to keep quiet about such things. It wouldn't do to have other Cainites know that one is dependent on the mortals around him. For the Sabbat, it is more commonplace to have many minor contacts spread throughout the city than any single, particularly powerful contact. Of course, bishops, archbishops, prisci, cardinals and the like typically have influence they can exert over key powerful individuals, but this relationship, obviously, falls more into the category of Influence than Contacts. Fame Most Sabbat avoid turning movie stars into vampires, but it has happened. For a sect that prides itself on exclusivity and supremacy, fame can bring unwanted attention to the sect. Besides, once Embraced, even the famous tend to lose interest in their mortal fans (largely due to their deteriorated Humanity). Those with Fame who do not gracefully fade from the limelight must use it with the greatest of care. If for any reason, a Sabbat member with Fame is deemed a threat to Sabbat security, the Sword of Caine suffers no reservations in eliminating her. One almost apocryphal tale tells of a budding Hollywood actor who, after being Embraced into the sect, refused to devote his attention to the Great Jyhad and instead used his vampiric powers to make a name for himself. Incensed, the Sabbat destroyed him, leaving an overdosed, fleshcrafted body-double in his place, dead in front of a popular nightclub. Such ignominy awaits those who fail to draw the distinction between mortal renown and Cainite duty. ![]() Herd Vampires of the Sabbat have differing views on the matter of herds. Some Sabbat argue that herds promote laziness; nightly hunting hones survival skills, and herds are impossible to maintain for nomadic packs. Other Sabbat members, however, fear disease and use a herd to minimize chances of infection. Some keep herds to prevent mortals populaces from ever becoming aware of their presence. Ultimately, it's a matter of convenience and pack preference as to whether or not members support herds. It should be noted, though, that most Sabbat keep only small herds so as to minimize threats to security. Many a herdless Sabbat boasts that the Sabbat should drink from whomever they damn well please! Influence Influence is a character's ability to sway the mortal world. The Sabbat has some influence on mortal society, but does little to further or exploit these human ties. Actually, the Sabbat finds it difficult to view humans and their affairs as anything more than a potential liability. Besides, the Sabbat sees little reason to be involved with humans. Many packs have extensive rules governing such interactions. This is due in part to the Sabbat's disdain for humanity. After all, a Cainite with only shreds of Humanity - let alone the palpable evil that exudes from her when she follows a Path of Enlightenment - will have a difficult time subtly manipulating any human if those around her are uncomfortable. Some Sabbat view the human world as a giant chessboard to manipulate at will, but this tactic is dangerous indeed. Most Sabbat, with the exception of leaders and elders, simply stay out of mortal matters. Mentor Since Sabbat unlife demands so much from its ranks, many members look to their packmates, sires and superiors for guidance. In Sabbat society, the mentor may teach and guide the Sabbat member on his chosen Path of Enlightenment, give advice, provide protection from elders by acting as a buffer, offer caution when intruding on the affairs of other elders and provide information regarding opportunities for power and advancement.
Retainers Because the Sabbat is known for its secrecy - secrecy that has enabled its survival over the centuries, its members are apprehensive at thought of letting a bunch of humans know their secrets. Even when a Sabbat vampire takes a retainer, he is much more likely to choose a ghoul or an animal. There is also an ideological basis for the Sabbat's restricted use of retainers; why would a superior being choose such an inferior being for a servant, assistant or companion? Retainers must always be controlled in some way, either through a salary, the donation of Cainite blood or direct mind-control. They may not always be loyal, though typically they are, considering the consequences. Depending on how well they have been treated, some retainers feel the temptation to betray their masters if given the chance. Sabbat members keep tight reins on their retainers. Usually, a retainer is killed at the slightest sign of mistrust or disobedience. New BackgroundsAlternate Identity Demy a bowed to the prince, averting her gaze toward the ground. "I humbly present myself before you, my prince, as you request of all your subjects on each full moon." You maintain an alternate identity outside your own, complete with papers, birth certificates or any other documentation you desire. Only a few may know your real name or identity. Your alternate persona may be highly involved in organized crime, a member of the Camarilla, a con artist who uses alternate identities for her game or you may simply gather information for the Sabbat about the enemy. Indeed, some Sabbat may know you as one individual while other Sabbat believe you to be someone else entirely.
Black Hand Membership ![]() As midnight tolled, Armin crept silently from the tall cabinet in which he had hidden himself all day. Slinking down a moonlit hallway, he sniffed the air for the telltale scent his target always wore. He detected a subtle hint of the fragrance - she was close by - mere seconds before hearing her approaching footsteps. Armin ducked behind a writing desk and watched his mark move absently past him. You are a member of the feared Black Hand, the body of assassins and soldiers that serves the Sabbat fervently. Having this Background indicates that you are a full-fledged member of the organization, and you have all the responsibilities and benefits that accompany membership. You may call upon members of the Black Hand to aid you, should you ever need it. Of course, this ability is a two-way street, and other Hand members may call upon you to aid them. Thus, you may find yourself assigned to perform assassinations, lend martial aid or even further the political ends of the Hand as a diplomat or spy. You may also be required to attend crusades that take you away from your pack. All members of the Black Hand must heed the call of another Hand member, especially the superiors of the faction. Being a member of the Black Hand is a prestigious matter, and other members of the Sabbat respect the organization. When dealing with other Sabbat, should you choose to reveal your affiliation with the Hand, you may add your rating in this Background to any Social dice pools, even after other Status or Abilities have been taken into account. Most Hand members, however, choose not to reveal their allegiance. Also, the Black Hand is remarkably adept at hunting down Sabbat who claim membership in the sect but do not truly belong - liars, beware.
Rituals Sayle raised the chalice over his head, intoning the ancient koldunic incantations and consecrating the Vaulderie. He closed the ritus with a blessing of his own. You know the ritae and rituals of the Sabbat, and you can enact many, of them. This Background is vital to being a pack priest-without this Background, ritae will not function. This Background is actually a supernatural investment, drawing on the magic of the eldest Tzimisce sorcerers. Sabbat vampires who are not their pack's priests should have an outstanding reason for acquiring this Background, as pack priests are loath to share their secrets with more secular members of the sect.
Sabbat Status Vykos stood in the dim hallway of the New York mansion, its body cutting a strange yet commanding presence just out of sight of the assembled Sons and Daughters of Caine. It walked forward as the ghoul herald called out its name, and the myriad voices fell immediately silent, deferring to the great priscus who was about to appear before them. While the Sabbat values individuality, the strength of the packs lies within the strength of its leadership. Only leaders who are respected and revered within the pack and the sect can achieve this level of recognition. Status plays an important role in getting and keeping a leadership position. Members of the Sabbat do not recognize Clan Prestige (see the Guide to the Camarilla) for the most part (though a few Tzimisce do, as do a fair share of Lasombra). Rather, sect comes before clan to most Sabbat, and thus, it is better to be recognized by the sect as a whole. At the Storyteller's discretion, Sabbat Status may add to a character's Social Trait when she makes a point of it. Obviously, Sabbat Status confers no particular benefit-and is more likely a detriment - when dealing with members of the Camarilla or even some independent Cainites.
Merits and FlawsIn addition to the Merits and Flaws listed in Vampire: The Masquerade, the following may be used to effectively enhance your character. As always, Merits and Flaws may be used only with Storyteller approval. PhysicalEarly Riser (1 pt. Merit) No one can explain it, but you seem to have the ability to exist on less rest than your fellow packmates, tending to rise at least one hour before everyone else. You always seem to be the first to rise and the last to go to bed even if you're been out until dawn. While your packmates may still be groggy, you tend to be awake and aware. Vulnerability to Silver (2 pt. Flaw) To you, silver is as painful and as deadly as the rays of the sun. You suffer aggravated wounds from any silver weapons (bullets, knives, etc.) and the mere touch of silver objects discomfits you. Lazy (3 Pt. Flaw) You are simply lazy, avoiding anything that requires effort on your part. Preferring to let others do the hard work, you lounge around. For any action that requires preparation, there's a good chance you didn't properly prepare. Difficulty rolls for spontaneous Physical actions (including combat, unless it's part of a planned offensive) increase by one. Infertile Vitae (5 pt. Flaw) During your Embrace, something went horribly wrong causing your blood to mutate under the stress of dying and rising again. All those you try to Embrace die. No matter what you do, you may not create any childer. However, your blood can still be used in the Vaulderie or for any other vampiric need, including making ghouls. SocialSanctity (2 pt. Merit) This Merit is sometimes called the halo effect; everyone considers you pure and innocent, though not necessarily not naive. You have a saint-like quality that is hard to pinpoint but cannot be denied. You are trusted, even if you are not trustworthy. At the Storyteller's discretion, you tend to receive lesser punishments for wrongdoing, and you are liked by most. Special Responsibility (1 pt. Flaw) Shortly after your Embrace, you volunteered for some task in order to gain respect and approval from your pack members. Now, you wish you had never opened your damn mouth! While you are not given any special credit for performing this duty, you would lose much respect from the pack if you were to stop. The nature and the details of your duty should be worked out with the Storyteller in advance. Ideas can range from lending money to pack members to acting as pack messenger or possibly gathering victims for Blood Feasts. MentalIntrospection (1 pt. Merit) You have keen insight into the ulterior motives of all your actions. Through this nightly exercise, you also have incredible insight into the underlying motives of others' actions. Add two dice to your Perception dice pool when you must take an action against someone with the same Nature or Demeanor as you. Flashbacks (6 pt. Flaw) You managed to make it through the Creation Rites, but not wholly intact. The most insignificant thing can throw you into a different mood or state of mind. Your behavior is extremely unpredictable. Because of your precarious emotional state, your Willpower fluctuates. At the beginning of each story, make a Willpower roll (you may not spend Willpower for an automatic success, obviously). If you succeed, you may participate in the story as normal. If you fail, however, your Willpower is considered to be 1 for the duration of that session. You may roll again at the beginning of the next session to see if you regain your wits. A Word to StorytellersMerits and Flaws are included here to build character depth, not to enable players to generate super-characters. Feel free to disallow any and all Merits and Flaws to which you take exception. Additionally, Storytellers who wish to run Sabbat chronicles are encouraged to deny players from taking the Merits: Iron Will and Unbondable. |
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