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There will be no pleading for forgiveness. They are rubbish, they are criminal scum. They are different from us. There is now no fear in us. They are weak. - Irvine Welsh, Filth Sabbat TemplatesThis section provides stock Sabbat members for use in your chronicles. Although the idea of an "average" vampire is fatuous at best, these templates are extremely useful for Storytellers who need to introduce a character yet do not have the time to create one. They also provide a good starting point for Storytellers who wish to create their own unique characters. It is impossible to pigeonhole each Sabbat member into a stereotype, but with a little modification, the following stereotypes present a host of characters who make up the variety and fuel the intrigue behind the Sabbat. It is also important to note that there is much more to a character than a simple collection of dots. Power, even among Sabbat, does not necessarily equate to long lists of Disciplines or martial abilities. Characters can attain responsibility and prestige with driving personalities as easily as do they can with brute force. A bishop need not be even as potent as presented here - other vampires' perception of her is all that truly matters, which is an aspect that goes far beyond the numbers. Bishop![]() Background: The bishops of a city have attained their position through cagey politicking or merit. Shrewd and savvy, bishops administrate the nightly affairs of the Sabbat, and they may answer directly to an archbishop if the city has one. Because Sabbat cities usually have multiple bishops, these vampires must hone their wits to keep their compatriots' talons away from their throats. It is unwise to cross a bishop. Image: The bishop's nightly struggle with paranoia has etched deep lines in her face, and her bestial grin attests to the ferocity under the surface. Her fine clothes lend her a distinguished air, like an ornate scabbard hiding a deadly sword. Roleplaying Hints: You consider yourself to be superior to everyone else (except the archbishop and regent, of course.) You don't take chances, citing precedent and protocol as the reason you let others do the dirty work. After all, your true enemies will come to you.
Clan: Tzimisce Templar/Paladin![]() Background: Mysterious and secretive, templars are personal guards for archbishops, prisci, cardinals and other important sect leaders. They serve the desires of those they protect, to the point of assassinating their opposition-even if the opposition is another Sabbat. For this reason, paladins are held in contempt by many, especially the members of the Black Hand. Templars may take any form, from a quasi-medieval knight, to a ninja, to a modem hitman and everything in between. Image: The paladin's impressive appearance wins many fights before they begin. She wears her hair cropped short, so as to provide no handhold for an opponent. Her large frame belies a surprising and deadly quickness. Roleplaying Hints: Detail-oriented, you notice every nuance and innuendo. You are brave, loyal and fearless. Your charge's safety is more important than your own. You are also more than just a brute - dumb brawlers don't make it among the paladins, as they are too dense to see potential threats coming. You are quick with a cutting remark, and just as quick to defend it.
Clan: Lasombra Archbishop![]() Background: Seldom encountered by non-Sabbat - or even many lesser Sabbat - archbishops oversee all Sabbat activity in a given city. This manipulative overseer is a megalomaniac. Chances are that he has diablerized, backstabbed and otherwise murdered his way to the top. He has many contacts, and many owe him favors. Image: Sunken eyes, a perpetual snarl and a domineering presence attest to the archbishop's great age and utter lack of human emotion. The archbishop wears the robes of a priest, in open mockery of the offices of the Church and its promises of redemption. Roleplaying Hints: You rankle at the idea of anyone challenging your "advice," and you have to be the center of attention. Others encourage your behavior in hopes of currying favor. Brook no misconduct and punish the behavior of those who fail to afford you the respect you know you are due.
Clan: Lasombra Priscus![]() Background: Masters of manipulation, prisci serve the Sabbat by advising archbishops and cardinals, though many detractors of the prisci say that they use their political power and influence to serve only themselves. The position of pricus is more honorary than functional - prisci possess great insight but little "official" power. Nevertheless, prisci move among powerful circles and often possess a respectable personal prowess as well. One does not earn a consultory position if he is weak or foolish. Prisci rarely avail themselves to other Sabbat, let alone other vampires. Image: The priscus is a modern chamberlain, his robes of office having given way to his tasteful three-piece suit. He is a strong argument for the fact that not all Sabbat are cackling punks in leather biker jackets. The priscus bears a stern, impassive face, and he does not hesitate to turn up his nose at incompetence or failure. Roleplaying Hints: You have a knack for taking control of a situation - even if it's it something you know nothing about. Implacable confidence and self-assuredness draws others to you, and you always take advantage of those others - usually without their knowledge. You harbor no fools in your midst, and you are loath to forgive or accept apologies.
Clan: Toreador antitribu Cardinal![]() Background: Cardinals oversee vast areas of Sabbat influence - archbishops answer to them on matters of their individual cities. Cardinals are old, powerful and deadly, having spent centuries or more amassing their personal and political power. Many young Sabbat wonder why vampires of this age oppose the Antediluvians at all, as they are closer to the Ancients than young vampires like themselves. For whatever reason, cardinals support and guide the sect in the Great Jyhad with terrifying efficiency. Image: The cardinal is quite old and set in his ways. His clothes are anachronistic, hinting at nights spent in the courts of kings long ago. His face has become a perpetual scowl - centuries of brooding, plotting and looking over his shoulder have taken their toll. Roleplaying Hints: You no longer think like a human being-having been undead for hundreds of years has muted any compassion, sympathy or understanding you may have once mustered. In place of emotion, you have cultivated cunning and ruthlessness. The bottom line is all that matters to you, and that bottom line is the destruction of the Antediluvians. At least, that's what you tell younger members of the sect....
Clan: Lasombra Black Hand Agent![]() Background: The rank-and-file of the Black Hand is made up of specialized soldiers and spies. The Black Hand agent is such a person, existing either to unearth secrets or eliminate the threat they represent. Black Hand agents offer little information about themselves-in fact, one may never know a vampire belongs to the Hand until faced with the fact overtly.... Image: The Black Hand agent is all business - unreadable eyes hide a steely resolve, and she never smiles unless it's part of her cover to do so. She also dresses in a no-nonsense style, preferring loose clothes in which she may move - and kill - with ease. Roleplaying Hints: "Kill first, ask questions later," is your motto, and you prefer to kill from seclusion rather than fight an open battle. You have an uncanny knack for always coming out on top when the chips are down. Everything and everyone around you is a tool or an asset, so be aware of how they may be best used, should your situation demand it.
Clan: Assamite antitribu Black Hand Remover![]() Background: These vampires devote themselves solely to the art of killing. Remorseless and brutal, the Black Hand's removers take their prey efficiently - it is said that victims of the removers may not even realize they are in danger until they see the assassin's face. That is, if they see a face at all. Image: The remover's cold eyes are impassive and distant. Life and unlife alike mean nothing to this vampire; he takes both with equal aplomb. The remover bears a scar that he wears as a badge of honor, given to him by a particularly cunning target. Roleplaying Hints: You don't say much. Pay close attention to fine details and subtle nuances, and always be aware of your surroundings. Let no emotion slip from beneath your fa9ade, for that way lies weakness.
Clan: (Country) Gangrel antitribu Black Hand Dominion![]() Background: The dominions call the shots for the Black Hand, though the seraphim supersede them. Of course, few vampires have ever seen a dominion, let a lone a seraph, so the distinction is fairly moot to the casual observer. Dominions are cool and collected - brilliant, ruthless and bloodthirsty. Formidable in political and physical power, only a fool challenges a dominion in anything but an assured victory. Image: The dominion speaks little, but his haughty demeanor exudes an aura of indomitability. He has witnessed massive bloodshed, and his gaze suggests that he is sizing up everyone he meets. His fine features have darkened in his great age. Roleplaying Hints: There is only one purpose: serving the Hand. You ask your underlings nothing that you would not ask of yourself. You would gladly meet the teeming throngs of the Camarilla head on, but you know that little can be gained from such a blatant assault. Think before acting and consider all your options - acting rashly is acting foolishly.
Clan: Assamite antitribu New Coven Member![]() Background: Ambitious and green, these vampires are still learning about unlife in a Sabbat City. They may be True Sabbat or rank neonates, depending on whether or not they have tested their mettle in battle. Novitiates have much to prove, yet often possess great ambition. Image: The new recruit fits the archetypal "punk" image, if only for show. He's as tough as nails and ready to demonstrate it. Adorned with tattoos, piercings and other scars (ritual and otherwise), the neonate makes his rowdy nature obvious to all who see him. Roleplaying Hints: Even when you're scared, you never let anyone know it. Your daring personality and brutality make you popular with your packmates. Your burglary skills make obtaining money a breeze, which also earns you respect from the pack. You have an independent streak, though, and that might get you in trouble if you're not careful.
Clan: Brujah antitribu Experienced Coven Member![]() Background: Experience, cunning and connections give these Sabbat members a competitive edge. They have drive and a sense of the proper pecking order of the pack. As they continue to gain trust and status within the pack, they do their fair share of ass-kissing in order to further their support with pack elders. Image: The experienced Sabbat knows her place and seeks to better it - which one must be noticed to do. She wears shocking clothes and obvious body jewelry. The experienced Sabbat is loud, obnoxious and starved for attention, just as her appearance suggests. Roleplaying Hints: It's amazing how things just sort of "happen" around you. You always manage to survive, pulling yourself up by your boot straps. Because of your calm composure in the midst of chaos, your growing manipulative abilities and your readiness to lend others a hand, no one ever suspects you to be the cause of the problems. Make a spectacle, but do it so that you gain attention rather than rouse suspicion.
Clan: Nosferatu antitribu Veteran Coven Member![]() Background: Veteran Sabbat know the ropes. Having fought numerous battles in the Great Jyhad, these vampires are tough, clever and mean as hell. Although they may not lead their pack, veteran Sabbat are truly accomplished, and not to be taken lightly, whether they have earned recognition or not. Image: The veteran has seen her share of fights, and she's got the thousand-yard-stare to prove it. She's been scarred in battle, but that only serves to accentuate the predatory image she cultivates. She's older than most of her packmates, and she eschews modern body piercings for good, old-fashioned tattoos. Roleplaying Hints: If anyone gives you any lip, kick his ass. You know you're true to the sect, and you may even put your unlife on the line for it again, as you have so many times in the past. You don't rest on former glory, though - you're ready to jump into action right now, as long as someone has a plan. Or not. Whatever.
Clan: Lasombra Sabbat Inquisitor![]() Background: These vampires are among the most driven of the Sabbat. They exist to purge the Sabbat of infernal influence. Inquisitors devote themselves utterly to their cause, believing that infernalism serves only to place the sect under the yoke of demons rather than the Antediluvians. Inquisitors make dangerous opponents, not only because of their personal powers, but because of their political ones as well. Image: The Inquisitor affects the regalia of a medieval knight, albeit with a very modem twist. His armor is kevlar, and his horse is a souped-up motorcycle. His sword is still a sword, however, as one does not purge the Devil's taint with vulgar modern weapons. The Inquisitor's stoic face serves as a notice to others of how seriously he takes his responsibilities. Roleplaying Hints: Seek out those who would sell their souls and relieve them of the option. Some accuse you of having no sense of humor. They're right. This is no laughing matter.
Clan: Ventrue antitribu New Pilgrim/Nomadic Sabbat![]() Background: Traveling the road as one of the Damned is difficult for the newly sired Sabbat. The road is a harsh reality, especially for those who are considered expendable. Nonetheless, new nomadic recruits have many opportunities to prove their worth to the pack. After all, if they don't, they end up Lupine chow or greeting the sun in podunk jail cells. Image: Part Lestat, part Mad Max, the nomadic neonate wears a combination of leather and road grit. Her eyes scan the horizon warily, always alert for marauding werewolves or other threats. Her features are sunken and sallow, as the right to feed goes to the proven members of the pack first. Roleplaying Hints: You did not make it through the Creation Rites with your wits intact. Your bizarre and unpredictable actions cause others to distance themselves from you. You're not very popular, but once you demonstrate your worth, your lot should improve. At least, you hope so. But if you don't succeed, you'll meet Final Death trying.
Clan: Malkavian antitribu Experienced Pilgrim/Nomadic Sabbat![]() Background: Adaptable pioneers, hunters and warriors, these vampires know how to survive even in "Lupine alleys" or Camarilla territories. Whether alone or with a pack, they know how to stay focused on their goals and kick a little - or a lot of- ass while they're at it. Experienced nomads have been hardened by the night roads and years, if not decades, of violence on the road. Tread with caution around these individuals, or you may not survive to meet them again. Image: The experienced nomad has the "cowboy scowl" caused by many years of squinting into the dark distance. He wears weather-beaten leathers adorned with a few of his trophies-fingerbones, ribs, teeth and the like. The nomad's hair is long and dusty, pulled back into a ponytail. Roleplaying Hints: You're good in a fight, and always ready for one. You sometimes think before you act, which would have been the end of you multiple times if it weren't for your packmates. You meet everyone with an air of hostility or disdain, and you despise those who appear soft or squeamish.
Clan: Tzimisce Veteran Pilgrim/Nomadic Sabbat![]() Background: Soldiers of fortune, these vampires are welcome and respected in any Sabbat-held city because of their legendary acts of bravery and monstrosity. They eschew the politics and hierarchy of city unlife for the road, which has turned them into hardy horrors, if a bit coarse. Veteran pilgrims have seen it all - Lupines, sieges, anarch warbands and elder politics in the cities they pass through. They have also learned to deal with everything they've seen.... Image: The veteran nomad resembles nothing so much as the "pale rider" of western American lore. His skin has become weather-beaten, his gaze a slit-eyed squint and his smile a fanged snarl. Roleplaying Hints: Hints: If it becomes a problem, kill it. If it's not a problem, you may want to kill it for kicks. You serve the Sabbat in thought and deed unquestioningly, and it is your first priority in any situation. You have little patience, however, for the soft schemers and aristocrats who would "guide" the sect from their laps of luxury. The sect as you see it is devoted to freedom, and the price of freedom is eternal vigilance (or so you've heard).
Clan: Ravnos antitribu Novice Scout![]() Background: Novice scouts make up the majority of the Sabbat's spies. Scouts typically operate alone or with one partner. Unlike Sabbat packs that act as reconnaissance parties, these Sabbat actually "join" the Camarilla or anarchs of another city. Some Sabbat actually experience depression and intense feelings of isolation accentuated by the absence of the Vaulderie. Image: The scout poses as an entertainer in his adopted city, working as a DJ at a club popular among the anarchs and neonates (as well as the kine...). He wears flashy designer clothes and keeps his hair short so the odor of smoke from the club doesn't stick to it. Everything about him exudes an air of cool calm, except his eyes, which reveal his inner fear of having his cover blown. Roleplaying Hints: Sometimes your performances are so good that even you forget you're a spy. Your love for music consumes you, and at times you have to remind yourself of your primary objective. You have to balance the unlifestyle you enjoy so much with your responsibility to the Sabbat.
Clan: Toreador antitribu Expert Scout![]() Background: Senior scouts handle more sensitive Sabbat reconnaissance efforts, to the point of impersonating key elders and ancillae in Camarilla cities. Most experienced scouts, however, continue their covert work, gathering information nightly and reporting back to their superiors at established intervals. They could have retired from these dangerous assignments years ago, but the thrill and the desire to aid the Sabbat keeps them in enemy territories. Occasionally, they may be paired with novices for training purposes. Image: The expert scout has an unassuming aspect, and many who see her forget what she looks like altogether. She wears fine - but never flashy (unless her role requires it) - clothing and keeps herself well-groomed. The scout keeps her hair long, but cuts it when it is required of her. After all, it grows back each night.... Roleplaying Hints: You have maintained your Humanity to better hide among the Camarilla idiots, but you are Sabbat through and through. Give yourself wholly over to the false identity you assume, even to the point of denying your true self. Think like your "new" personality would and never let your true nature emerge from underneath that facade.
Clan: Malkavian antitribu Interrogator![]() Background: The fiendish interrogators of the Sabbat are second to none when matters of extracting information arise. Using their Vicissitude, these vampires have perfected the art of torture to its immortal depths. They can draw all useful information from prisoners brought before them, regardless of how tough the victim believes himself to be. After all, they have an eternity to keep trying. Image: The interrogator may have started his torture practice on himself, judging from all the piercings, tattoos and ritual mutilations that adorn him. He keeps his head shaved (so no blood or gore gets on it) and wears leather, rubber or PVC clothing because it's easier to clean after a particularly vigorous session of interrogation. Roleplaying Hints: This is a good line of work for you because you're one sick fuck. Nothing delights you so much as causing others pain, and you even enjoy pain yourself. Sometimes, after you've taken everything you need from your subject they tend to suffer "accidents." Funny how that happens. Others have expressed concern that you grow more cruel by the night, but hey, that's part of your responsibility.
Clan: Tzimisce Diablerie Addict![]() Background: Drinking Cainite blood is one of the most euphoric experiences imaginable. The diablerie addict knows this all too well, and he can't stop himself. Whether committing the amaranth on packmates or enemies, the vampire loses himself in the heady rush of power and bloodlust. Image: The diablerie addict is smooth, graceful and gregarious. He dresses well, relying on a "kid brother" or "successful associate" image to get other vampires to trust him. His smile is both genuine and false - it's a lure, but he truly does relish the essence of his compatriots' company. Roleplaying Hints: You go out of your way to shock and intimidate people with your bizarre behavior. Most of your friends know you have a habit, but they think it's street drugs, not friends and acquaintances. Who cares about Gehenna? Unlife is for the here and now. Besides, others in position of prestige and rank have lunched their way to the top; why shouldn't you?
Clan: Panders GhoulsReluctantly, the Sabbat sometimes makes use of ghouls to interact with mortal society and protect communal havens during daylight hours. Since the Sabbat tends to dislike and distrust humans, vampires of the sect prefer ghouls that are animals. Regardless, there are times when human ghouls become necessary, and the Sabbat goes to extraordinary lengths to ensure loyalty, to the point of using Vicissitude and the blood bond to bind servant to master. (Of course, a Sabbat would never bond another Sabbat, but what the hell, these are mere humans....) Ghouls also serve as food, cannon fodder and companions (i.e., pets). For the most part, the sect treats its ghouls with utter disdain. It is not uncommon for ghouls to be used as bait during Lupine hunts, and many Sabbat make a practice of killing the bearer of bad news, who is most often a ghoul. Ghouls are also responsible for much of the scout work of the sect-cleaning havens, driving communal vehicles, kidnapping vessels, mopping up after esbats and the like. Certainly, the life of a Sabbat ghoul is precarious and abysmal. At any moment, the masters may decide the ghoul makes better food than help, and most of what the ghoul is assigned to do is dangerous, illegal or both. ![]() Needless to say, few mortals actually seek to become involved with the sect (assuming they know about it at all, which is unlikely unless they're already ghouls, and quite knowledgeable at that). Most mortal ghouls are conscripts, offered a "serve and maybe die or just die outright" proposition. Ghouls become pack property, rarely acknowledging a single master and serving whomever yells at them the loudest or most recently. A few individuals actually enjoy the submissive aspect of these relationships, but they rarely live long, suffering the twisted whims of their masters or dying to alleviate their domitors' boredom. Animal ghouls, ironically, generally receive better treatment than their human counterparts. This isn't to say that animal ghouls have it easy; rather, their masters often twist them into monstrous shapes, starve them of normal food, send them to fight foes and kick them when they're upset. Most Sabbat are wise enough to realize, however, that animals are utterly dependent upon their masters, and they treat them as they would a new recruit or a favored pet. The Sabbat looks down on the practice of ghouling, but accepts it as a necessary evil. Packs are usually "allowed" one or two ghouls - not that there's any formal complaint lodged against them if they keep more, but other packs may view them as weak or dependent and develop antagonism toward them. For the most part, packs keep a ghoul or two for perhaps a few months or years and then replace him. Obviously, few ghouls survive replacement. Family Ties: The Tzimisce Revenant HousesFor untold centuries, the Tzimisce have practiced the art of selective breeding on their most trusted (or at least most useful) servants. In the early Middle Ages, certain elders of the clan undertook a long-term experiment studying the effects of regular vitae infusion into the blood of several Eastern European noble families. The eventual result, a handful of generations later, was the creation of revenants: humans with vastly extended natural life spans and hereditary affinities for certain vampiric Disciplines, which they can develop much as Kindred can. Revenants also naturally produce a less powerful version of vampiric vitae, making them something of self-sustaining ghouls. Conservative voices among the Fiends suggest that there is more to the creation of revenants than simple vampire blood, however, and attribute part of the effect to the natural magic of the lands of Eastern Europe. A millennium ago, over a dozen distinct revenant lines served the Tzimisce. However, several were exterminated during the Inquisition and the Anarch Revolt, two (the Narov and the Ruthvenski) were absorbed into surviving families through intermarriage, and it is rumored that two others (the Ducheski and the Rustovitch) have broken away from the Tzimisce and now serve other masters - a distinctly dangerous proposition, given the Fiends' penchant for extended, exquisite vengeance. Other rumors state that the Assamites, Setites, Giovanni, or Tremere have followed in the footsteps of the Tzimisce and cultivated their own lines of revenant servants. The four Sabbat revenant families that have survived to the modern nights are universally wretched and disturbing specimens by any "normal" standard. Incest, pedophilia, cannibalism, bestiality, substance abuse, and fringe-movement political activism are among the more tame hobbies practiced by the revenant families - and such behavior endears them all the more to their masters, who watch these depraved antics with a twisted glee. Revenants often follow Sabbat Paths of Enlightenment in place of human codes of morality; indeed, many of the older revenants have accepted their Paths more fully than have Cainites of comparable age, having been born into households that look askance at mainstream morality and view "ordinary" mortals as distinctly inferior beings. A revenant is able to casually pass for human more easily than low-Humanity vampire simply by virtue of having a pulse and being in the habit of breathing, but don't expect her to succeed in a college ethics course unless she's been trained to make a deliberate effort to fit in. Revenants are like other ghouls, with the following exceptions:
For more information on revenants in the modern nights, see Ghouls: Fatal Addiction. Players and Storytellers seeking data on historical revenants should consult Libellus Sanguinis I: Masters of the State. Bratovitch The most bestial of the four families, the Bratovitches mainly keep to their isolated rural estates, breeding hellhounds and other unsavory fauna and emerging only to hunt Lupines and other beast of the night, to kidnap brides and studs, or to serve as trackers for nomadic Sabbat packs. Members of this family are, as a general rule, more subhuman than most other revenants, and they delight in their perversity and savagery. Most Sabbat tend to avoid Bratovitch estates unless they are truly desperate. This is not out of fear-Bratovitches look up to Sabbat Cainites as "big, nasty uncles" of a sort-but rather out of disgust. Cross a stereotypical back-country hill clan with a Tzimisce and season with a liberal amount of pure Neanderthal hunt-kill-mate mentality and you'll have a good representation of a Bratovitch. The family primarily lairs in the North American wilderness, though a handful of outposts can be found in South America and the family's ancestral estate in Poland is still a respectably sized holding. Members of the Bratovitch line do not follow Humanity; it's too alien to them. Curiously, many Sabbat Paths of Enlightenment are spread fairly equally through the family, and the handful of Bratovitches with scholarly pretensions have actually preserved some antiquated codes of morality that even most vampires have forgotten. Disciplines: Animalism, Potence, Vicissitude Weakness: Bratovitches are easily annoyed - some would say psychotic. They make all rolls to resist frenzy at +2 difficulty, and do not play well with normal mortals. Grimaldi Once merchants in the Italian city-states of the 12th century, the Grimaldis still enjoy a profitable position of go-between for the Sabbat's dealings with mortal society. They are probably the most "normal" of the four families, though some would argue that extreme wealth sets one apart as much as their vampire blood does. Grimaldis are usually groomed for positions of power, and it is not uncommon for a member of this family to hold a high political office or a corporate leadership role in his home city. Starting at birth, Grimaldis enjoy every luxury that life has to offer, from private schools and tutors to decadent vacations at the most exclusive resorts to the most wonderful toys.... In addition to furthering the political agendas of their masters, the Grimaldis have a second, more personal goal that is kept secret from all but the leaders of the family. Grimaldi elders believe that their continued existence hinges on their utility to the Sabbat, and their destruction will be swift and total should the Tzimisce ever withdraw their aegis. Accordingly, the Grimaldi have begun to formulate contingency plans for a transfer of family loyalty to the Ventrue of the Camarilla or, alternately, to the Giovanni, should the Sabbat ever decide that the Grimaldis have outlived their usefulness. Needless to say, this information would ensure the family's total obliteration should it ever come to light, so the privileged few who know of these treasonous thoughts make certain to stay well away from their nominal masters. The majority of Grimaldis follow the Path of Honorable Accord or the Path of Power and the Inner Voice. Some, however, are known to walk the Path of Caine (with appropriate allowances for their inability to commit diablerie). More and more younger Grimaldi have taken to rejecting their forebears' "antiquated" moral codes and staying with Humanity, a development that distresses the few Tzimisce who have observed it. Disciplines: Celerity, Dominate, Fortitude Weakness: All Grimaldis past puberty are blood bound to Sabbat members of bishop rank or above. This began as a safety measure to ensure that the Grimaldis did not betray the Sabbat in the course of their extensive mingling with mortal society, but has devolved to little more than a formal rite of passage and sign of majority in modern nights. Most Sabbat rarely call upon their thralls; those unlucky Grimaldi whose regnants frequently impose their will upon the revenants will most likely be written off as "acceptable losses" if and when the family decides to shift its allegiance. Obertus Reclusive scholars, the Obertuses have managed to maintain their continued existence by avoiding the Sabbat's notice and by feeding their Tzimisce patrons a steady trickle of research data. Originally librarians and clerics for the Tzimisce lords of the Byzantine Empire, the Obertus family moved first to the clan's ancestral homelands in Eastern Europe, then to the New World during the first waves of Sabbat colonization. They still maintain a strong presence in the New England states and the eastern Canadian provinces. The Obertuses can best be characterized as chthonic, both in their reclusive small-town nature and in their constant search for knowledge that they may not necessarily want. Obertus research tends toward the paranormal: "ghoulies, ghosties, long-leggity beasties, and things that go bump in the night," among other subjects. Like the Grimaldis, the Obertuses have a secret objective that might well lead to their destruction should the Sabbat discover it. The Obertus family elders have come to believe that revenant existence is the key to the next logical step in human evolution: Homo obertus is destined to replace Homo sapiens, just as modern humans exterminated the Neanderthal. To this end, the family conducts experiments with various permutations on the Embrace and the ghouling process, using vitae from several captured Camarilla "Kindred" and one Tzimisce elder who was foolish enough to enter voluntary torpor in an Obertus-controlled fishing village outside Boston. No definite results have appeared yet, but the Obertuses believe they may be close to discovering the secret of perpetuating "ghoul" existence without a source of vampiric vitae. Most Obertuses prefer to follow the Path of Death and the Soul, the Path of Harmony, or the Path of Honorable Accord. Recently, some have begun studying the Path of Metamorphosis with an eye toward adapting it to their "new man." Disciplines: Auspex, Obfuscate, Vicissitude Weakness: The Obertuses were bred for intellectual ability, sometimes at the expense of stability, and are thus prone to monomania and similar psychological disorders. The vast majority of Obertus revenants suffer from the Obsessive/Compulsive derangement (see Vampire: The Masquerade, p. 222). At the Storyteller's discretion, an Obertus may suffer another intellectual-style derangement for the "default" derangement - but all Obertuses exhibit some derangement. Zantosa The Zantosas don't really seem to have a reason for continued existence; in fact, if asked her opinion of them, the average Sabbat vampire - assuming she had even heard of revenant families - would reply with a blank look. The Zantosa family appears to have outlived its usefulness, and exists primarily to continue its members' decadent, self-indulgent lifestyles and to provide entertainment for the Toreador antitribu, Serpents of the Light, and Tzimisce. Once the cream of Eastern Europe's social elite, the Zantosas have curdled and withdrawn, forsaking long-term sociopolitical manipulation for short-term gratification. The primary family pursuits these nights include petty crime, vice, black marketeering, and pushing the boundaries of pleasure, pain, and other sensations. Indeed, the only ostensible reason the Zantosas haven't been wiped out by a Black Hand-led pogrom already is that the end results wouldn't be worth the effort expended to cleanse their penthouses, nightclubs, and movie studios. Recently, an internal purge rocked the Zantosa family estate in New York. No less than two dozen family members, most with previously impeccable reputations (as Zantosa reputations go), were put to death in sudden and grisly fashion by household elders. Sabbat inquiries were notably cursory ("let them kill themselves off seems to have been the general attitude) and were met with responses that the destroyed parties had been caught dabbling in dark sorcery - a response that, curiously enough, did not warrant an Inquisition investigation. The truth, known only to the Zantosa family's uppermost echelon, is far more ominous. For the past several centuries, the Zantosa family has guarded a torporous form believed to be a Tzimisce vampire of great age. One night in mid-1997, the crypt in which the body in question lay was found empty with no prior warning and no evidence . No explanation has yet been forthcoming. Most Zantosas study the Path of Cathari with an enthusiasm bordering on fanaticism, and some observers have commented that this family is more suited to following the Toreador antitribu than to serving the Tzimisce. A few dedicated individuals pursue the Path of Death and the Soul, and one rural enclave with close contact with the Bratovitches follows the Path of Death and the Soul. Persistent rumors state that there is a secret Noddist society within the family, but no Zantosa has openly admitted to following the Path of Caine. Disciplines: Auspex, Presence, Vicissitude Weakness: Zantosas are rather weak-willed when it comes to resisting temptation - any temptation. Accordingly, whenever a Zantosa is exposed to a particularly pleasurable experience, she must make a Willpower roll (difficulty determined by the Storyteller, depending on the experience in question). Failure indicates that the Zantosa is now obsessed with or addicted to that particular sensation (which can be anything from doing a new drug to performing a particular sexual position to enjoying a sumptuous wine to the act of being fed upon) and will do damn near anything to experience it again. Zantosas are also unable to spend Willpower to resist any supernatural power that entices them toward a new source of pleasure, and many have met untimely ends at the hands and other appendages of Cainites, fae, and stranger creatures. The following three types of ghouls are those most commonly found among Sabbat havens. Ghouls: Fatal Addiction also offers a vast array of ghouls who could serve the Sabbat effectively, as well as more insight into the sect's attitude on the matter. Hell Hound The hell hound is a warped dog. Tzimisce use their powers of Vicissitude to horribly disfigure the poor animal, making it even more terrifying to view. Tzimisce prefer large hounds like mastiffs, rottweilers and wolfhounds, but any canine will do.
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4 Toady Few human ghouls serve the Sabbat for any length of time. Those who do primarily protect or provide for the needs of communal pack havens. These ghouls are often horribly altered through Vicissitude which binds them to their Sabbat master since mortal society would reject such a visual freak. Toadies may generally do as they please, provided they serve their masters faithfully. In the end, however, these minions are mere mortals, and they often meet gruesome demises at the hands of their cruel keepers, if not in combat. The following entry represents a guardian ghoul altered through Vicissitude. Most ghouls of this type are... unique... in appearance.
Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 5 Face Despite their disdain for the mortal world, many Sabbat still deal with humankind to some degree or another. Obviously, their nocturnal unlifestyles make this difficult, so some Cainites employ the aid of ghouls to speak and act for them. These ghouls often live skittish, tenuous lives, always looking over their shoulder for their twisted masters, or suffering the ire of other vampires. Paranoia often overtakes even those who do not suffer the stings of their masters' whips as they slowly sink into a world of intrigue and sanguinary treachery. The following entry is for a "mouthpiece" ghoul, a manservant who has duties other than violence and haven-guarding.
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2 New Close Combat Maneuver
The attacker must first "impale" his victim with a chainsaw (though this may be performed with any cutting-and-impaling weapon, such as a sword or knife) by scoring three or more successes on his attack roll, which damages the victim normally. The victim must then succeed in a Dexterity roll (difficulty 6) or be "trapped" by the blade. The following turn, the attacker pulls the chainsaw up through the victim's body, spraying blood everywhere and inflicting brutal damage. As the chainsaw is already lodged in the victim's body, no roll is required to see if the attacker actually "hits." Fiendishness of this caliber requires a Conscience roll (difficulty 6) for anyone possessed of Humanity 3 or greater who performs such an act (though followers of some paths might not suffer such qualms).
New Ranged Combat Maneuvers
If the assailant botches on his Firearms roll while Hollywood shooting an automatic, not only does his gun jam, but the gun jerks his arm away (as the gun literally catches the casing and follows it), resulting in a -1 to all dice pools on the following turn (and any other actions taken during the same turn). Botching with a revolver carries no unique penalty - perhaps the cylinder explodes or refuses to spin, as per a normal botch.
Successes are divided up just as in strafing and do not apply to the damage effect; each success on the roll yields one automatic health level of burning damage, which may be soaked as described in Vampire: The Masquerade, page 227. Dodge rolls against fire spray are at +1 difficulty.
WeaponsThe Sabbat, taking into account its members fanaticism and fledgling fiendishness has been known to make use of some unconventional weapons when violence becomes an issue. Whether charging a Camarilla prince with a flamethrower or gutting a rowdy biker with a broken bottle, the Sabbat is unafraid to hurt itself, as long as it hurts its opposition more. FirearmsFirearm Traits Caliber: The diameter of the bullet fired by the gun in question. Caliber is given in either a fraction of an inch (e.g. .45 caliber is 45/100 of an inch across) or millimeters (e.g. 9mm). None of the weapons here have a true caliber, however; the Trait is included merely for consistency. Damage: The base number of dice rolled for damage after a successful strike. All firearms do lethal damage against mortal targets. Against vampires, firearms do merely bashing damage, unless the head is targeted (which adds 2 to attack difficulties and one die to damage pools, as per Vampire: The Masquerade, page 209), in which case the damage is considered lethal. Range: This is the practical shot range in yards. Weapons may be fired at twice this distance, but the attacks are considered long range (difficulty 8). Rate: The gun's maximum cyclic rate, or the number of shots it may fire per combat turn. Clip: The number of shots that the weapon holds. Conceal: P = Can be carried in the pocket; J = Can be hidden in a jacket; Ò = Can be hidden in a trenchcoat; N = Cannot be concealed on the person at all.
Zip Gun: Simple, homemade affairs, zip guns are hastily assembled mechanisms for firing bullets in the general direction of the gunman's enemy. Anything resembling accuracy is impossible with such low-tech methods, but these guns' disposable nature and low cost (they can be made from parts stolen from cars parked on the street) make them a viable option in a pinch.
Flamethrower: A vampire carrying a canister of volatile liquid on his back is unlikely to last long, but some Sabbat are so devout (or insane) that they'll take the chance if it means smiting enough enemies. A flamethrower "shoots" a high-pressure spray of combustible liquid at its target, igniting the liquid as it leaves the weapon. Needless to say, getting a hold of one of these is quite difficult, and ludicrously illegal. Note: If a bullet strikes the tank, the Storyteller should roll a die. On a 7 or less, the tank explodes, doing 12 dice of aggravated damage to the wearer, reduced by 2 dice for every yard of distance from the blast for anyone else caught in the conflagration. Aiming for the tank increases the difficulty of a given shot by 3.
Caliber: N/A Melee WeaponsMelee Weapon Traits Damage: The base number of damage dice rolled after a successful strike. For melee weapons, this is based on the character's Strength Trait (and Potence, if any) plus a number of dice determined by the size, mass and design of the weapon in question. Conceal: The amount of clothing under which the weapon may be hidden. P = in a pocket; J = under a jacket, Ò = under a trench coat, and N = the weapon is too large to carry concealed. Minimum Strength: The minimum Strength (Potence applies to this total) that a character must have in order to wield the weapon in combat. Blunt Weapons Bottle: Ubiquitous and conveniently sized, bottles make passable improvised clubs. If the bottle is broken, it becomes an edged weapon that does lethal damage. Breaking a bottle so that it is a functional edged weapon and not a handful of shattered glass is difficult, and subject to Storyteller discretion.
Damage: Strength Sledgehammer: This refers to a construction-grade sledgehammer, used primarily for breaking concrete and other masonry. In the arms of even an average man or vampire, the sledgehammer is capable of splitting heads like ripe melons. Being caught walking around with one is a good way to spend an hour or two in the back seat of a police car, with a possible bonus stop at the county lockup.
Damage: Strength +3 Edged weapons Edged weapons do lethal damage unless otherwise indicated. Board with a Nail: The archetypal thug weapon, boards with nails are cheap, menacing and dangerously effective. Police take dim views of those who arm themselves with such obvious implements of destruction. The board with a nail may be soaked as if it was a blunt weapon, but leftover damage is considered lethal (and thus not halved by vampires).
Damage: Strength +2 Chainsaw: A chainsaw is a gas- or electric-powered sawblade used to cut down trees. It is merciless when used as a weapon, as it passes through soft flesh like a hot knife through butter. It is also quite awkward, and attempts to use it as a weapon are at +1 difficulty.
Damage: Strength +4 Cleaver: A heavy, oblong kitchen knife, the cleaver is surprisingly quick. They're used to dress chickens and dice vegetables, and have similar effects when used on human anatomy.
Damage: Strength +1 Machete: A heavy, broad swordlike knife used for hacking one's way through jungle undergrowth, the machete becomes brutal and intimidating when used as a weapon. Many Sabbat packs in Mexico have adopted the machete as their weapon of choice.
Damage: Strength +2 Meathook: Meathooks are used in slaughterhouses and meat-packing plants to drag or hang hundred-pound animal carcasses. While of questionable effectiveness as a weapon - their curved shape tends to stick in the victim - they nonetheless cause a significant amount of impaling trauma. Additionally, their wicked look makes quite an impression on would-be enemies.
Damage: Strength +1 Straight Razor: The straight razor does little damage, as its fine blade causes minimal trauma in and of itself. However, the precise cuts they make can cause havoc when applied to important blood vessels, or they may be used to open the skin in preparation for stripping it all away by hand.
Damage: Strength -1 |
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